The emotions as a problem to be ov research also focused upon negative emotions. Furhtermore emotions play a critical role in a daily lives,as I discussed emotions aid in decision making, but positive emotions The issue aesthetics that was describe by author in this book was about two japaness researchers,Masaaki kurosa and Kaori kashimura.They studied different layouts of controls for ATM,the Japanese found that the attractive ones were perceived to be easier to use. Like Tractinsky said,aesthetic preference are culturally dependent. Futhermore,Japanese culture is known for its aesthetics tradition and he belief that aesthetics were not expected to correlate. Like author said,for example at 1900s,Herbert read who wrote numerous books on art and aesthetics requires a mystical theoryof aesthetics to find any necessary connection between beauty and function. The author had started a research project examining the interaction of affect,behaviour and cognition but Tranctinsky’s results bothered me. I realized they fit with the new framework that my research collaborators and i were constructing as well as with new findings in the study of affect and emotion. Emotions we now know,change the way that human mind solves problems and the emotional system change how the cognitive system operates. So,if aesthetics would change our emotional state,that would explain t ercome by rational and logical thinking. But myhe mystery. In addition,emotion was an explored part of human psychology so that we need to thought of very important because it critical to learning. I curiosly and today my research is turning toward this dimension. We have known that when people are anxious, they tend to narrow their thought process, directly relevant to a problem.These and relatied findings suggest the role of aesthetics in product design, attractive things make people feel good which in turn makes them think more creatively. In today’s world of compute controlled products, doing the same operation over again is very unlikely to yield better results. The correct response s to look for alternative solutions. Human beings have evolved million of years to function effectively. Affect emotion and cognition have also evolved to interact with and complement one another. In addition, includes emotion, it makes value judgments the better to survive.
My studies of emotion with my colleague Andrew Ortony and William Revelle,professors in the phychology department at northwestern university,they suggest that these human attributes result from three different levels of the brain. The automatic prewired layer called the visceral level the part that contains the brain process control behaviour, known as the behavioural level and the contemplative part of the brain or the reflective level. Each level plays a different role in the total functioning of people,human being have more developed set of brain structures. The behavioral level successfully drive your automobile subconsciously thinking of something at the reflective level. The three levels interact with one another. These terms come from the standard way of showing the processing structure of the brain. The result is that everything you do has both a cognitive and affective component. When you are in negative affect,feeling anxious focus the brain processing but when you of positive affect,the opposite actions take place. Positive affect curiosity and makes the brain into an effective learning organism.
The 2 role that must have in design,first someone who is happy more able to overlook and cope with minor problems especially if its fun to work it and the second when people are anxious,they are most focused. So where this is likely to be the case,the designer must pay attention to ensure that all the information required to do the task. Designers can get away with more if the product is fun and enjoyable,now the design team must considered attention to detail,this is one reason people often impose deadlines on themselves. It is tricky to design things that must accommodate both creative thinking and focus.
This statement explain about individual conception of beauty with reference to particular aesthetics. In this story its about Andrew a friend author. Andrew bought a lovely leather box and said to author to open that box,when the author opened the box,his very excited and impressed him to see inside the box that have a gleaming stainless-steel of set mechanical old drawing instruments,compases,extension arms,lead holders and also pens inside the box. The author said the box was very beauty and unique because the box was drew by hand and not by computer. This show for author a value aesthetics and beauty art inside the lovely box. In addition,this story shows the several levels of the cognitive and emotional system. It show the author was very impressed with the lovely box that have a many high value aesthetics .His respects the beauty and value of art that have inside the box because aesthetics value is a judgment of value based on the appearance of an object and the emotional response it evokes. While it is difficult to objectively assess aesthetics value,it often becomes an important determining factor in overall value, things people perceive as attractive tend to be in higher demand and will cost more than comparable objects without the aesthetics component.